Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Bettina Von Zwehl

For almost a decade I have been researching the human profile and the hierarchic approach to portraiture that was applied during the Italian Renaissance. There is an uncanny quality to viewing a person in profile, related to what remains invisible and untold. This method of representation may have a cold, rigid aspect, with no indication of the subject's true character or emotion. To me it is one of the most powerful ways of representing a person.

I love Von Zwehls work due the time at which she chooses to take the photograph. She doesn't press the shutter button at the same time as most other photographers, instead, she waits until the sitter it in the action of changing their pose. This portrays an everyday movement or action which somehow really works very well as a photograph. I think it is the 'Down to earth' approach that appeals to me.


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